Notes - Adam Procter

Crisp, minimal personal blog theme for Hugo

13 Dec 2012

Avoiding Tax

Ok I do not know much about tax to be frank but this is how I see it. As an educator the service I 'sell' is to educat...
07 Dec 2012

Thoughts after the Franchise game

So after the Franchise game I thought I would feel the same about them but I don't. The day before I was still fretting...
30 Nov 2012

Tescos zero staff

Using the scan and shop today reminded me of another thing I have blurted out before. Soon there will be no staff at Te...
28 Nov 2012

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) Tax changes

Sounds good to me - however will it be paperwork heavy for small business and self employed individuals ? "Her Majesty...
23 Nov 2012

Event Photography (changed forever)

I like making statements sometimes in my lectures/ talks and one that I have made a few times recently is that I think ...